Outdoor Workout

Outdoor Workout Benefits

Outdoor workout can also be referred as green workout as it is like taking exercise to the natural environment which is better for both physical and mentally well being.

Good for you mind and body, also lesser chances of getting bored

Workout under the blue sky and green space around helps to put you in a fantastic mood. This means you’re less likely to get bored and end up exercising for longer. As per research there is profound impact of fresh air, grass, trees and the colors of the natural environment on mental health and physical well-being by increased energy, revitalization, decreased confusion, anger, depression and tension…when compared with exercising indoors.

You may end burning more calories

In outdoor workout body encounters a constantly changing environment like wind resistance, warm/cold temperatures and changing terrain. All these provided additional resistance to the workout and hence resulting harder workout.

Get tons of sunshine

As per studies Vitamin D is related to weight loss or gain and overweight people are more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D. Sun shine is easiest and the most primary source of Vitamin D, so just increase the sunshine in your life by taking your workout outdoor.

Your immune system will get stronger

As per studies exposure to phytoncides a compound emitted by plant to protect themselves from harmful insects and germs helps to boost specific white blood cell know as NK cell (Natural Killer Cell). These NK cells play a major role in attacking both tumors and virally infected cells. Which means closer to nature is good for your immune system.

Enhances your social life

Outdoor workout is often done in group. For example yoga, biking, running, hiking, after dinner walk and it is fun doing workout with other as it could be a happiness enhancer and a huge stress buster.

Outdoor Workout Benefits

Outdoor workout can also be referred as green workout as it is like taking exercise to the natural environment which is better for both physical and mentally well being.

Good for you mind and body, also lesser chances of getting bored

Workout under the blue sky and green sp